"The Future Is Now", recopilación de 9 de los últimos temas originales de PSGirl compuestos entre 2004 y 2006. Puedes compar el CD por correo, al precio de 8 euros (transferencia bancaria). Para hacer tu pedido envía un mail a psgirl@psgirl-music.com indicando tu dirección postal.
El CD se presenta en caja delgada transparente, libreto díptico, superficie del CD impresa (no etiqueta) y acabado retractilado.
PSGirl en concierto en Valle Guerra (Tenerife) Lamentablemente la calidad del video no es muy buena. El album MUY RECOMENDABLE
Esto es un documento histórico de gran importancia dentro de la radio y de la ciencia ficción.
Se trata de la emisión original de la adaptación de Orson Wells de la novela The war of the worlds escrita por H.G.Wells.
Transcribo a continuación la historia tal y como aparece en wiki:
El 30 de Octubre de 1938, Orson Welles (1915-1985) y el Teatro Mercurio, bajo el sello de la CBS adaptaron del clásico La guerra de los mundos, novela de ciencia ficción de H.G. Wells a un guión de radio.
La historia es una extraordinaria adaptación del libro y los hechos relatados a manera de un noticiario que narraba la caída de meteoritos que posteriormente serían los contenedores de naves marcianas derrotando a las fuerzas norteamericanas usando una especie de "rayo de calor" y gases venenosos. La introducción del programa explicaba que era una dramatización de la obra de H. G. Wells en el minuto 40.30 aproximadamente aparecía el segundo mensaje aclaratorio y justo después empieza la narración en tercera persona de Orson Welles, 15 minutos después de la alarma general del país que llegó a pensar que estaba siendo invadido.
Los oyentes que sintonizaban más tarde la emisión y no escucharon la introducción pensaron que era una emisión real de noticias, provocando pánico en las calles de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey (donde supuestamente se originaron los informes). La comisaría de policía y las redacciones de noticias estaban bloqueadas con llamadas de oyentes aterrorizados y desesperados, intentando protegerse de los ficticios ataques con gas de los marcianos.
La histeria demostró el poder de los medios masivos de comunicación y este curioso engaño también catapultó a la cima la carrera de Welles.
El programa duró 59 minutos los primeros cuarenta del falso noticiario que terminaba con el locutor en la azotea de la CBS quien muere a causa de los gases, seguida con la narración en tercera persona del profesor Pearson (Orson Welles) describiendo la muerte de los invasores.
25,87 Mb
Rueda de prensa posterior a la emisión
Lo cierto es que esta entrada del blog solo es una excusa para poner la parodia que hicieron Los Simpson de la emisión radiofonica... jeje
This is my complete archive of Eurovision songs, collected during several years, now I offer it to everyone. Contains all songs from the begining in 1956 to the year 2006. Also it contains versions of the songs sung by the same or different singers.
01 - #1 in F Maj - I Allegro 02 - #1 in F Maj - II Adagio 03 - #1 in F Maj - III Allegro 04 - #1 in F Maj - IV Menuuetto, Trio I, Polocca, Trio II 05 - #2 in F Maj - I Allegro 06 - #2 in F Maj - II Andante 07 - #2 in F Maj - III Allegro Assai 08 - #6 in B-Flat Maj - I Allegro 09 - #6 in B-Flat Maj - II Adagio ma non tanto 10 - #6 in B-Flat Maj - III Allegro
Mort Garson compositor, arreglista y productor de origen canadiense, fue el primero en publicar en la costa oeste de Estados Unidos un album integramente interpretado con el sintetizador Moog: The Zodiac: Cosmic Sounds - Celestial Counterpoint with Words and Music. Posteriormente edito 12 albumes, uno por cada signo del zodiaco.Su vinculación con la música incluye trabajos con Ruby and the Romantics, The Lettermen, Doris Day, Mel Torme, Glen Campbell y muchos otros...
* 1967 - The Zodiac: Cosmic Sounds - Celestial Counterpoint with Words and Music * 1968 - The Wozard of Iz * 1969 - Electronic Hair Pieces * 1971 - Black Mass (Publicado bajo el psudonimo de "Lucifer") * 1971 - Music for Sensuous Lovers by "Z" * 1975 - Ataraxia [The Unexplained - Electronic Musical Impressions of the Occult by Ataraxia] * 1976 - Plantasia
...y los mencionados 12 albumes de los signos del zodiaco
Mort Garson - The Wozard of Iz (1968)
Mort Garson - Electronic Hair Pieces (1969)
Mort Garson - Black Mass (Lucifer) (1971)
This is one of Mort Garson’s electronic Moog babies, Lucifer. ‘Black Mass’ was suprisingly released in 1971 on MCA, not sure how Mort got MCA to approve that title. The concept of this album shows the Moog delivering sounds sinister and exciting to a degree the lurid horror films of the day never matched. All the titles related to occult phenomenons and themes, and seemed to focus mainly on the darker side of occultism. With it’s breakbeats galore, intense synthesizer, hip original themes, this was really a unifying concept. An occult Moog-album! The man behind this recording was a somewhat obscure solo artist; Mort Garson. I find the listen quite playful and it makes me laugh knowing that this was ‘dark’ for the time. Digging deeper and years earlier there are ‘darker’ albums. This is nonetheless a great document in the history of the Moog synthesizer that is often overlooked.
Dejo aqui unos videos de Tangerine Dream, un grupo electronico pionero que sentó las bases que muchos autores han seguido posteriormente. Lástima que a partir de mediados de los 80 su creatividad se limitara a repetir una y otra vez la misma formula y dejaran de innovar.
Tangerine Dream - Rubycon Part 1 (1/2) 1975
Tangerine Dream - Rubycon Part 1 (2/2) 1975
Tangerine Dream - Ricochet 1/2 1975
Tangerine Dream - Ricochet 2/2 1975
Tangerine Dream - Madrigal Meridian (Cyclone) 1978
Tangerine Dream - Bent Cold Sidewalk (Cyclone) 1978
Edgar Froese's debut solo venture predates Tangerine Dream's breakthrough 1974 album PHAEDRA, but I’m sure it was used as a building block for the latter success because musically both albums are from the same school of minimal ambient soundscapes.
Aqua, which is most certainly more than 'just something to keep the fans quiet', was recorded using revolutionary binaural sound techniques which meant that when listened to through headphones, the music 'opened and captivated the mind', and certain sounds sounded as if there were coming from outside of the headphones.
The album is made up of four tracks with the opening title track, Aqua usually being the one to garner the majority of credit because of the revolutionary water sounds mixed into the various synth sounds. I would, however tip my hat to the closing Upland which despite being the shortest track on the record at six minutes long, has some fantastic 'horror' sounding synths over the numerous bubbling electronics.
42,33 Mb
Edgar Froese - Epsilon in malaysian pale (1975)
When I first heard this album in 1975 I was knocked out - it is so evocative of the night time train journeys that I made then. Froese has managed to replicate the atmosphere of the humid jungle not by sound effects such as insect noises etc. but by the ambience of the whole album - something almost beyond hearing. As an album for fans of electronic musically generally this is superb.
No cabe duda que Kraftwerk son y han sido un referente en la musica electronica. Son muchisimos los albumes de tributo a esta banda alemana, en este post voy a poner dos de ellos.
El primero de ellos es The Radiactive Tribute To Kraftwerk (2002), en su mayoría temas de artistas japoneses.
[COMPILATION] - The Radiactive Tribute To Kraftwerk (2002)
El otro album es Señor Coconut - El baile alemán (2000) un hilarante tributo a Kraftwerk, que más que una nueva creación es una recreación, en la que Uwe Schmidt [Atom Heart] disfruta sacando lo mejor de los ritmos y lineas melodicas de Kraftwerk pero con un aire radicalmente distinto. Sin duda un disco imprescindible.
1. Introducción 2. Showroom Dummies 3. Trans Europe Express 4. Robots 5. Neon Lights 6. Autobahn 7. Home Computer 8. Tour de France 9. Man Machine 10. Music Non Stop
Anne Clark - Joined Up Writing (1984) & The Sitting Room (1982)
"Joined Up Writing". An album by a London poet who is a massive Cult artiste in Germany.An artiste who has cut many albums since 1985.An artiste who worked with Virginia Astley,who appears on here as a backup vocalist and a writer. Its her voice behind Anne's words on "Our Darkness",an incredible piece of work with a raunchy sax solo by Josephine Wells and urgent words about a World in chaos. The same World Anne would write of many times as she tackles real issues while Virginia Astley sees the same World as a fairy tale. So it can be quite uncomfortable hearing these tales of madness and mayhem. The lady has wonderful voice projection,make no mistake. No way could Virginia Astley have done stuff like this but then she had no wish to do the same as she had no wish to be any sort of rock star
Obviously she prefers to recite her poetry rather than sing it and never regarded herself as a singer.The closest she came was to do a version of "Windmills of your mind".
57,08 Mb
Anne Clark - Changing Places (1983)
Brilliant, brooding, and bruising, perhaps the definitive Anne Clark album ever...but since she's got so many great ones, this claim is clearly debatable. This is not just music - it's a genuine of work of art...no matter how black her canvass might be.
32,54 Mb
Anne Clark - Sleeper In Metropolis [Single] (1984)
10,93 Mb
Anne Clark - Pressure Points (1985)
Produced by John Foxx, who also co wrote some of the material. Anne's pet subjects usually centre around passion,politics and general mayhem but she does it with taste.
28,17 Mb
Anne Clark - An Ordinary Life (1986)
56,14 Mb
Anne Clark - Hopeless Cases (1987)
40,70 Mb
Anne Clark - Abuse SINGLE (1990)
16,55 Mb
Anne Clark - Unstill Life (1991)
38,62 Mb
Anne Clark - Counter Act Remixes SINGLE (1991)
52,54 Mb
Anne Clark - The Best Of Anne Clark (1992)
I do like the music, it's sort of electro-atmospheric and dreary and would make for good songs were they actually sung over...but Anne is a poet, not a vocalist so if you are expecting vocals like I was, you won't get 'em. Truthfully I am not a fan of spoken word albums, but this was easy enough to listen to in fact I did quite like this, but I did keep waiting/hoping for some sort of singing, anything but monotone speaking...didn't happen.
If you are a fan of spoken word artists, give this an extra star for what it is, it's very entertaining and likeable and it's certainly one of the more interesting spoken word albums that I've heard. Most of her songs are sort of dark, and revolve around imperfections and political jargon and she even plays the piano for some of them from what I gather. Apparently most of her albums are out of print, so this is quite the bargain considering it actually has twenty-five tracks on it. 72,76 Mb
Anne Clark - The Law Is An Anagram Of Wealth (1993)