Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Switching to english language

As we receive visits from everywhere in the world, and less than 8% are form spanish speaking countries, I switch this blog language into english.

I feel comfortable in either language, so no problem on my side. There are many online translators for those having difficulties with english language, and anyway I'm not of the talkative kind. LOL.

Here a couple of links to visitor stats by country and a cute map with locations.


  1. Works for me! I get your RSS feeds daily and I live in the United States. The Spanish I remember from High School is hardly worth mentioning, since it was 30 years ago!

  2. Great!

    I also made some improvements for the RSS feed, using Feedburner instead of the Atom one that provides Blogger by default.

    Also I added the option to subscribe the updates by email.

    Hope it gets better now.

  3. @ stigma2, as you can see from your stats we've been promoting your blog big time at totally fuzzy over the last couple of weeks, please add your blog to our directory there as well (Read More...), add a good description of what you're offering and stabilize your traffic numbers here.
    If you want to, you can come and post your updates there as well.

    BTW a link back to us would be appreciated in return ;)



  4. Hi mephisto!

    As you can see there are already a couple of links back to totally fuzzy

    I'll add my site to your directory later on this afternoon. Thanks for promoting ;-)
