Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hard Disk Kaputt !!!

Oh No !!! dammit!!!

nonononono.... the new hard disk isn't working!

Weeep weeep weeep... >SIGH!<

Sorry to inform you that a 500 Gb Hard Disk (Maxtor USB 2.0) failed to start this afternoon. Dead and silent.

Bad news is that it was full of albums.

Good news is that most of them I still have on CD.. or vinyl.

Worse news is that I was ripping and copying on it a lot of material (more than 4.000 albums, covers and all) for the last month or so. It was a huge task, rip, check, ID3 tagging, etc... Not sure if I'll have the mood to start it over.

In the meanwhile I have another hard disk plenty of of soundtracks, contemporary classical music and compilations of all kinds, so the posts will continue as usual.

The hard disk was brand new, and still under warranty, so I'll try to get the unit repaired, and hope the data is OK.

And please.. stop that giggling, you &%##@!



  1. Sorry to hear that. Fingers crossed you can retireve all the lost data. And thanks for all the great music you have shared. It is appreciated.

  2. That sucks. Thank you for all your hard work so far, and good luck rescuing the hd!

  3. Oooooohhhhh nooooo!!!!
    Hope you will fix it.
    Good luck.

  4. No giggling here. Losing a hard drive would be like coming down with instant-onset Alzheimers.

    Best wishes for a speedy (data) recovery.

  5. Damn, I feel for you! The same thing happened to me, since then, I can't trust those bloody hd - I'd rather burn a lot of CD's. Also hope you will fix it anyway, and just so you know, your blog is by far the best among the bests!


  6. i am sure you have built up a lot of good karma with all the great music you're putting up. i hope you were able to recover the data!

  7. I couldn't recover the data on this disk, but as I said, most of it was still on CD or vinyl, so only my time and a lot of work was lost.

    As you can see I recovered fast. My only wish now is to have a bit more time to post...

  8. I just purchased a Maxtor 500 GB HD, but I am using it to back up my other external HD's. I stumble across horror stories like yours and conclude that it is worth the relatively small investment. Thanks for all of your dedicated efforts to ripping and posting this great music.

  9. It is probably possible to restore the data, but you would loose the warranty and it might cost some hundred euros...

    But first thing to check is, if its the board on the drive or just the powersupply. If it s the latter, its only a matter of exchanging the housing...

    If the electronics on the drive are dead, a professional restore company will be able to get back the data...

    I feel with you, and I have the same drive (filled with 350 GB of music)

    Great Blog by the way...

    Kein Verlass auf die Technik...

  10. Aha! There is a difference between mp3's and cd's/vinyls after all.

    I feel your pain. I've had that happen too, but not as much. I'm glad to hear that wasn't your only copy.
