Friday, May 23, 2008

Sometimes life is a bit too much complicated...

... and for a couple of weeks there'll be no daily updates to this blog. Too much work, too many personal affairs, shit happens, a bit of this and a bit of that.

Poor excuse, but it worked at school... or so I thought!

I'll be back 100% soon, very soon.


  1. Thanks for everything and good luck.

  2. Have a good rest and see you soon.

  3. Take care. We are waiting to read you. As anonymous said...have a good rest.

  4. By the look of your blog, you have well deserved a rest! Just to say thank you very much and that there are a lot of us out here that really appreciate all the great music we have found here. I'm definatley one. Hope it all works out; life has a habit of doing that! :)

  5. sheet happens (to all of us) i'm sorry and i hope that thinks became good to you! Take care!

  6. Bad dog hmmm... Good boy!
    Have a nice music-off!
