Sunday, June 1, 2008

little explanation

A week ago I said there will be no daily updates to this blog. That not means at all that the blog is to be closed. Only that there are too many things in my life and I had to put blog updates in lower priority.

I wish to thank all the mails I received. I won't answer each one, much better an open post explaining why.

My health is OK (most mails ask if I'm ill or something), in fact I feel much better than ever, I'm loosing my beer belly. I re-started the healthy custom of making a couple of hours of walking every day.

Main issue is that I am a divorced man and according spanish laws I don't have the right to exist. I was already being leeched (around 50% of my salary, even with my ex-wife earning a lot more than me). I have to pay feeding of my daughter, half the mortage of my ex- house, the rent of my own and half the extra expenses.... and still I have to cope with my own expenses (clothing, gas, electricity, phone, feeding, transport, etc..)

My ex wife demanded me additional 11.000 €, and the judge ordered to use all my salary for the payment.

That means that I will be around 8 months working as usual and receiving not a single penny. To worsen things, each month my debt will grow in around 1.000 € (what I actually have to pay monthly to my ex). And when I finish with the 11.000 € I will have an additional 8.000 € to pay.

In short. The judge thinks I can live on air for around two years and a half.

Yes, life is shit sometimes, but it's only an economical problem. Almost everything else in my life ranges from plainly OK to excellent, so not other things to complain. I should feel lucky.

Now it seems my company will help me with the 11.000 €. I don't know how or when I will be able to give them back this money, but at least they say I'm not very much obliged to return them the money. There were other alternatives, as living in a car begging in the streets, dissapear in a far away country, change my name, simulate my death, etc etc... But I'm too lazy ;-)

As you can imagine I have other things in mind.

On the other hand, today I'll have a meal with one of the most beautiful women I've never seen. She's pretty, young and she likes me ;-) (but please, don't blame her for lack of updates)

Here is a video (in spanish) taken from a program in spanish public TV regarding the economical situation of many spanish divorced men (my situation is not an exception, it's the rule in many many cases):


  1. La situación de la gran mayoría de los hombres divorciados es una injusticia. No siempre las mujeres debemos tener las de ganar. No ayudo en nada con decirlo, pero me apetece decirlo. Ánimo!

  2. My very best wishes (especially for that dinner tonight)! ;)

  3. All I can do is sympathise with the unjust situation you have found yourself in.
    I cannot believe how 'they' (The Faceless!) can work these situations out and think it is fair.
    Keep your chin up! And I hope that your life improves so you can realise you are content.
    Best of luck. Take Care.

  4. Stay cool as usual, and you'll find a way

  5. Las leyes españolas son una mierda. Los que las hacen las deben pensar con el culo. A los que las cumplimos nos joden, y los delincuentes andando por la calle con toda la tranquilidad.

  6. best wishes, my friend

  7. I'm very sorry for your misfortune. I hope the best for you. Maybe your blog--which is excellent by the way--can be a positive outlet for you.
    CHIN UP!
    ~ mike

  8. This is so disheartening. I have an Uncle going through just about the same thing (different country though), and we are all so worried about him.
    I hope things look up for you in days to come, and that that beautiful girl keeps you happy despite these injustices! :)

  9. hang in there... I'm a divorced man myself...
    All they want is the money... and they have kids to blackmail you for it... Your kids...

    Just wanted to say a big thank you for all the work you have been doing throughout the years. Sharing all this beautiful, bizarre & wonderfull sounds.A great source for wonder, chill, anger, pain & soothing.

    stay off the main road but keep driving

  10. Eu conheço MUITO BEM esta situação terrível. Contrate um bom ADVOGADO!!!

    Boa sorte, meu amigo.

  11. Hi from Greece man!!!
    Music allways save our souls.
    Best wishes to you companiero.
